We all have them…those leftover scraps from one of our quilt projects. I don’t know about you, but I always end up with a lot of strips in all sorts of widths. and I just can’t bear to throw them out. That is why I came up with this fun and easy tutorial It combines a bit of ...
Working Our Scraps Off Series
It’s time for another episode of Working Our Scraps Off! This one (episode #17) is probably one of my favorites in this series. It’s a super ...
The other day I was cleaning up my workspace and I had a stack of business cards spread around my desk. Since they kept getting in the way I decided that I ...
In this episode of my “Working Our Scraps Off” YouTube series you are getting 2 free projects instead of just one. Not only that, this episode ...
Sometimes I like to do some easy, no-brainer sewing and this blog will show you how. Perfect for all of those left over strips you have from trimming ...
With my garden in bloom I felt like making something floral. It was also time for the 13th episode in my “Working Our Scraps Off” YouTube ...
I don’t know about you, but sometimes it is really hard to think of something special for Mother’s Day. This year I decided to make my mom a ...
I can’t believe that it has been almost one year since I started my YouTube series called Working Our Scraps Off! I’ve had such a fun time ...
Perfect for your sweetheart, you can whip up this charming project in no time. This is the 10th episode of my YouTube series called “Working Our ...
It is time for another scrap busting quilt block. As you know, I love my scrappy projects, so whenever I can, I like to come up with fun and easy makes for ...
It’s time for a little spooky fun and this mini quilt is a perfect little project that you can put together in no time. It is also episode #8 of my ...