I am always trying to think of fun new projects to make with my fabric. This one is a great scrap buster and is easy to make. In this woven fabric strips lace tutorial I’ll be showing you how to turn some of your fabric into something different. You will need a few supplies but you ...
Sewing Projects
I have been trying to be better about taking my own bags to the market and I decided to start making myself some more bags. This DIY reversible jumbo tote ...
This year I started to make a few items to sell at quilt shows. I love bags and thought about various styles and types and I came up with this fun one. ...
Recently a dear family friend contacted me to see if I would make some sachets out of her, and her mother’s, wedding dresses. I gladly agreed. She ...
I love Christmas stockings so when I learned that this month’s Island Batik ambassador challenge was to make one, I was pretty excited. When I was ...
If you follow my blog you know that I love a good scrap fabric project. When I ended up with scraps left over from a recent Island Batik ambassador project ...
Sometimes I like to do some easy, no-brainer sewing and this blog will show you how. Perfect for all of those left over strips you have from trimming ...
Do you have a plain baseball cap that you don’t wear very often? Why not change it up a little bit and embellish it with a few mini quilt blocks. It ...
Perfect for your sweetheart, you can whip up this charming project in no time. This is the 10th episode of my YouTube series called “Working Our ...
It is hard for me to believe that I am already posting episode number 7 of my YouTube series “Working Our Scraps Off”. Time has gone by so ...
I had a great time fabric shopping over the weekend and I don’t normally blog about my weekends but this was different. It was an unexpected shopping ...