
10 Things I’ve Learned Being a YouTube Creator

I have been making videos on my YouTube channel Create with Claudia for about 9 years. If anyone had told me when I was younger that this is what I would be doing, I would have told them they were crazy. Well you know what? I love it. It’s rewarding in so many ways and I hope to be making videos for a long time to come. I get a lot of questions about my experience so I thought I would share the 10 things I’ve learned being a YouTube creator.

Currently I have made about 200 videos including some shorts. I make videos about quilting and crafting, including plenty of tips, how-tos and free patterns. My work has come a long way from when I first started, and I continually try new things. A little over a year ago I started a monthly series called “Working Our Scraps Off”. In it I provide a free scrap fabric project. The projects have ranged from mini quilts to fabric découpage bowls.

I have been fortunate to receive a couple of recognitions on YouTube. In October of 2020 I was named Youtube’s Creator of the Day. In March of 2022 I was honored to be included in YouTube’s list of Women Creators on the Rise for their celebration of International Women’s Month. Thank you to YouTube for those honors!

I hope you enjoy my list and learn a little after reading or watching it.

10 Things I’ve Learned Being a YouTube Creator

#1 – Know Your Space

I record in my basement and get all sorts of household noises like the heating and air conditioning or running water. The room I record in is small so I am space challenged. It presents some challenges, but I have definitely learned to work with the space I have.

#2 – Planning Helps

Many people use scripts when they make a video. I am not comfortable with that. However, I do write a quick outline to help me. Because I do a lot of tutorials that list helps keep me on track.

#3 – Check Your Equipment

When recording a video, there is nothing worse than getting half way through a project and realizing your equipment shut off for some reason. I know this because it has happened to me more than once. Keep an eye on your equipment in case something goes wrong.

#4 – Be Consistent & Patient

I try to post a new video every week. That does not always happen, but I try. Sometimes I’m even lucky enough to put out more than one. I have found (no proof) that the consistency helps with getting new subscribers. For a few years I did not make any videos and that did not help my channel at all.

What is that old saying…Patience is a Virtue? It is, because unless you are lucky enough to get a video go viral, it takes a while to build up subscribers. I also think that this has something to do with the type of videos people make.

#5 – Try New Things

Like other people, I get bored doing the same thing over and over. I find that changing things up a bit helps freshen up content and keeps people interested. Try filming in a new location or try a video like this one. It keeps things interesting.

#6 – Practice

One thing that has always helped me is that I take about 5 to 10 minutes to do a really quick run through of what I am going to do in my videos.

#7 – Interact with Viewers

When I first started out I did not answer questions. I never appeared on camera. It was something I just wasn’t comfortable with. A few years ago my daughter suggested that I should interact more with viewers. I gave it a try and you know what? I love it. I have met (virtually) such wonderful people and really like being on camera.

People give me great tips. They have pointed out mistakes (which is extremely helpful and I always appreciate it when people do that). It’s encouraging to interact with people.

#8 – Not as Easy as I Thought It Would Be

It is not so easy, especially depending on the types of videos you make. Mostly I make longer videos which show step by step instructions. That means a lot of camera set up and moving around. For me, it can take an hour or two to make a 20 minute video.

#9 – Ignore the Haters

Ignoring the haters is a hard one. 99% of my comments are lovely, but every once in a while I get a nasty one. I have learned to ignore them. If they are really rude I will delete them, but as a general rule I leave them up.

#10 – I’ve Learned About Me

I have learned some funny things about myself along the way too. I say “Um” far too often and I repeat myself. When I speak, I speak fast. Of course some people say I speak too slowly. Fast talking is definitely something I work on in each video. It has gotten better.

So there you have it…10 Things I’ve Learned Being a YouTube Creator. If you watch the video I also answer the 5 most common questions I get.

Thanks for stopping by! – Claudia

10 Things I’ve Learned Being a YouTube Creator

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