Quilt Block Patterns

January Entry for the Patterns By Jen 2019 Monthly Color Challenge

I decided to take the plunge and participate in the 2019 Monthly Color Challenge from Patterns by Jen this year. It’s my first time taking part in it, and I’m looking forward to what each month will bring.

Normally I don’t join challenges. I’m always worried that I won’t be able to finish. However, this one intrigued me, so I took the plunge.

I’ll be using batik fabrics for this project because I’ve always loved them. Mostly because of their rich and saturated colors, but also because of their unique patterns.

I just hope I have enough for each month’s block. If not, I’ll have a great excuse to go out and buy some more fabric!

This year the monthly color choices are inspired by flowers. The color chosen for January was green, like the Bells of Ireland, and I’m pleased with the way my block turned out.

The lighter green reminds me of spring, and after the winter we have been having, I’m ready for it. Additionally, the fabric patterns add movement to the block, which is something I like to see in my work.

If you are interested in participating in the 2019 Monthly Color Challenge, then head on over to the Patterns by Jen website and check it out.

Happy Quilting!

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